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SIPNOC 2023 Call For Presentations

The 12th Annual SIP Network Operators Conference
“Focus on the Call and Text Authentication Ecosystem”

Note: For more information about the upcoming SIPNOC 2023 conference, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at

The SIP Forum is holding its 12th annual SIP Network Operations Conference (SIPNOC 2023) on September 12 through September 14, 2023, at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel in Herndon, Virginia – a few minutes from Dulles International Airport.

The SIPNOC Program Committee is now seeking proposals for presentations, panels, or BOFs (Birds-Of-a-Feather) for the SIPNOC 2023 program.

We invite presentations highlighting issues, considerations, recommendations, solutions and best practices relating to Call and Text Authentication, including STIR/SHAKEN, Call/Text Analytics and Vetting, Branded Calling and Rich Call Data, International Traceback and STIR/SHAKEN adoption, KYC (Know Your Customer) initiatives, Enterprise requirements and challenges, new SMS Text Authentication initiatives, and associated Federal and State regulatory and enforcement actions.

Operators are encouraged to present on successes, issues, and concerns found in their deployments.

Vendors are encouraged to work with operators to present real world deployment experiences.

Details of the submission process, as well as SIPNOC 2023 dates of interest, are described below.


SIPNOC is the premier meeting for SIP network operators. Unlike other conferences, SIPNOC is not designed as a marketing or sales event, but rather like an educational symposium. SIPNOC is intended to provide a forum for information exchange among network operators, engineers and operational staff, product managers, equipment manufacturers, solutions developers and application providers, data analytics professionals, enterprise and government agency contact center and network operations staff, as well as governmental regulatory staff and industry researchers.

SIPNOC includes panels, presentations, and informal BOFs (Birds of a Feather sessions). SIPNOC attendees will share ideas and interact with leaders in the field of Call Authentication and SIP network operations, discuss current operational events and issues, and learn about state-of-the-art operational techniques. SIPNOC also provides the opportunity to interact with members of various relevant standards bodies, such as the IP-NNI Task Force, to learn about what’s being worked on, or complain to them about what’s not.

The primary focus of SIPNOC 2023 is on the broad Call Authentication ecosystem, including the STIR/SHAKEN Framework, and the rolls it all plays in the mitigation of illegal Robocalls, Robotexts and Caller ID Spoofing, and ultimately returning trust in global communications services.

Key Dates for SIPNOC 2023

Event/Deadline Date
Call for Presentations Opens 21 March 2023
Presentation Abstracts Due 01 May 2023
Draft Presentations Due 01 June 2023
Acceptance Decisions and Notifications 07 July 2023
Draft Program Published 15 July 2023
Final Agenda Published 07 August 2023
Final Presentations Due 15 August 2023
Conference Begins 12 September 2023

Technical Conference

The SIPNOC Program Committee seeks proposals for presentations, panels, and BOFs in the following areas, including (but not limited to):

  • Status and Overview of the SIP Forum/ATIS Joint IP-NNI Task Force
  • Overview of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework
  • Status of the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA)
  • Important Certification Management Considerations and Procedures
  • Policy Administration
  • The Regulatory Environment
  • Current Legislative Actions and Ramifications
  • Current Enforcement Actions and Policies
  • The State of International STIR/SHAKEN Adoption and Call Authentication Policies
  • Call Validation Display Framework
  • 603+/608/607 SIP Call Blocking Notification Code
  • Enhanced CNAM and Rich Call Data
  • Domestic and International KYC Solutions and Initiatives
  • Branded Calling
  • Requirements of the Financial Services Industry
  • Requirements of the Health Care Industry
  • Requirements of the Utilities Industry
  • Emergency Calling (e911) Security Strategies and Solutions
  • Data Analytics Solutions
  • STIR/SHAKEN Deployment Best-Practices
  • Service Provider Case Studies
  • Considerations for Management, Performance and Troubleshooting
  • Government Agency Use Cases and Requirements
  • New SMS Text Authentication initiatives
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Call Authentication solutions with Enterprise Customers
  • Contact Center Requirements
  • Domestic and International Track and Trace Issues and Considerations
  • STIR/SHAKEN Security Considerations
  • Interconnection and Access Reform Challenges
  • Interoperability – topics may include best practices, issues found, current state of deployed equipment, or tactics for resolving interop issues
  • Monitoring and Operational Considerations
  • Testing Considerations and Tools
  • Standardization Issues and Progress
  • Scaling and Capacity Issues

In general, presentations are being sought by and for SIP network operators of all sizes. Presentations about difficult problems (and interesting solutions) that you encounter are encouraged.

Vendors are allowed to submit presentations, but are warned that product-specific information or marketing type content should be kept to a minimum. Teaming with an operator to make a joint presentation is highly encouraged.

If you think you have an interesting topic but want some feedback or assistance working it into a presentation, please email the Program Committee chair (, and a representative on the Program Committee will give you the feedback needed to work it into a presentation.

We look forward to reviewing your submission!

Talk Types

General Session Talk: A General Session presentation should be on a topic of interest to the general SIPNOC audience, and are generally 30-minutes long (including time for Q&A). Speakers must submit slides for a General Session presentation.

General Session Panel: Panels are generally 45-minute to one hour discussion sessions between a moderator and a team of panelists. The panel moderator should submit an abstract on the panel topic, a list of panelists, and how the panel will be organized. Panel selection will be based on the importance, originality, focus and timeliness of the topic, expertise of proposed panelists, as well as the potential for informative and controversial discussion. After acceptance the panel leader will be given the option to invite panel authors to submit their presentations to the SIPNOC program Committee for review. Until then authors should not submit their individual presentations for the panel.

Special Workshops: Special workshops can run for 1-1.5 hours, providing time to focus in-depth on a variety of issues important to the SIPNOC community.

Research Topics: Researchers are invited to present short summaries of their work for industry feedback. Studies presented may be works in progress. Researchers from academia, government, and industry are encouraged to present.

BOFs: BOFs (Birds of a Feather sessions) are informal sessions on topics which are of interest to a portion of the SIPNOC community. BOFs may be part of the main conference agenda, or held in the hallways, break-out areas or in an unscheduled room. Requests for scheduled BOFs can be made at any time, including on site at the meeting.

A typical BOF session may include some structure or presentations, but usually is focused on community discussion and interaction.

The less structured nature of BOF sessions allows for the greatest flexibility from a timing perspective.

Registration Fee Waivers

The conference registration fee will be waived for any approved speakers.

How To Submit

The deadline for accepting abstracts is May 1, 2023. The deadline for submitting draft presentations is June 1, 2023. While the majority of speaking slots may be filled by that date, a limited number of slots may still be available after that date for topics that are exceptionally timely and important.

The primary speaker, moderator, or author should submit presentation information and an abstract directly to:

Marc Robins, SIPNOC 2023 Program Chair — email to:

Submissions should contain:

  • Author’s name(s)
  • Proposed speaker(s) if different from author
  • Preferred contact email address
  • A preferred phone number for contact
  • Submission category (General Session, Panel, BoF, or Research)
  • Presentation title
  • Submission Abstract (1-3 paragraph description) – Due May 1, 2023
  • Draft slides – Due June 1, 2023 (attachment or URL), in PowerPoint or PDF file format.

What Makes a Good Talk?

To increase the chance that your talk will be accepted, we recommend that you:

  • Highlight operational experience, i.e., present a case study.
  • Identify anomalies or counter-intuitive (interesting) aspects of your experience
  • Educate in your area of expertise (so the audience can learn something)
  • Motivate action (so the audience goes out and does something as a result of the talk)
  • Entertain (so the audience stays in the room)

Slide Format

Company logos must only appear on the first and last slides of your talk. Full-page logos on cover slides are discouraged. Company and personal background information can be mentioned verbally, but not in slides. A plain white background is strongly recommended. A PDF is recommended rather than the source file for the slides, e.g., a PowerPoint file. To be legible, slides should use as least 28-point fonts (larger for titles).

Presenters/authors may retain copyright of their material, granting the SIP Forum a perpetual license at no cost to archive and redistribute the material. Unobtrusive copyright notices may be on any or all slides of the presentation. Presentations must not be marked confidential.

SIPNOC 2023 Management Note

This SIPNOC Call For Papers has been modeled after NANOG CFP documents, and the SIP Forum owes a debt of gratitude to the organizers of NANOG for the high quality of their submission policies and rules.

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