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HomeMembershipMembership Overview

Membership Overview

Membership in the SIP Forum is made up of individuals and companies who want to contribute to the development of global Internet communications based on SIP standards.

Membership is divided in three categories: Academic/Institutional Members, and Participant (individual) Members.

View a comparison of the differences between these membership levels.

Participant Members

Participant membership is open to individuals and is free, but in return we appreciate our
Participant members making an effort to contribute to the work being
done in the Forum.

Individuals seeking to join the SIP Forum need only create an account on this website.

Full Members

Full membership is open to organizations who pay a $12,500 annual fee to
help offset the operating costs of SIP Forum. In return, Full Members are eligible for additional benefits beyond those provided to Participant Members.

To apply for Full Membership, please download, complete and submit the Full Member Application form via email, fax or snail mail (this information is provided on the form).

Once you have completed the form, our Managing Director will contact you to obtain from you a purchase order for the membership fee, and will invoice you for membership fees based on your PO.

Alternately, any interested company can contact the Managing Director of the SIP Forum for detailed information.

Academic/Institutional Membership

Though we have a commercial orientation, the SIP Forum encourages interested academic, research and relevant and approved non-profit institutions to become Academic/Institutional Members, and to participate and have a leading role in the work of the SIP Forum.

We believe that active participation from the academic and research community will help ensure technical excellence in the work and publications of the Forum. While our Academic/Institutional Membership category is designed for institutions as a whole, individuals within the academic and research community are invited and encouraged to become Participant members, since this level of membership is also free.

Interested academic, research and other institutions can apply for Academic/Institutional Membership by simply downloading, completing, and submitting the Academic/Institutional Membership Application.

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