User-Edge Focused Network Operations: Best Practices for Management, Performance and Troubleshooting
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- Create Date December 11, 2018
- Last Updated December 11, 2018
User-Edge Focused Network Operations: Best Practices for Management, Performance and Troubleshooting
Presented by Jim O’Brien, VP of Server Engineering, CounterPath.
As the usage patterns and expectations of Unified Communications end users have evolved, there is a growing need to examine how the area of network operations is shifting from “owned network” to “any network” observations.
Network operations no longer involves service infrastructure, network bandwidth, network equipment and user equipment completely owned, managed, and operated by a single entity. The trends of “bring your own network”, “bring your own device”, and “bring your own services models” complicate the operations landscape for application, service and platform providers of all varieties.
Leveraging client capabilities that enable advanced troubleshooting techniques and diagnostic capabilities adds powerful tools to the operations team’s toolkit. And, taking advantage of voice quality monitoring and application analytics further enables near-real-time and trending perspectives on networks, user groups and user performance. These BI (Business Intelligence) and BA (Business Analytics) data points form the basis for solution providers to present an approach to network operations that leverages the user-edge and its unique perspective on the operational environment. This session will explore this topic in depth, drawing on real-world scenarios.
Attendees will leave the session with a greater understanding of:
- How user-edge devices can contribute to their BI and BA efforts.
- How this data can be made available to support, care and operations staff in a format that allows them to leverage these for both near and real time troubleshooting as well as historical trending and service level monitoring.