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5. The Growth of Robocalling SPIT

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  • Create Date May 1, 2013
  • Last Updated May 1, 2013

5. The Growth of Robocalling SPIT

Presented by Dan Weber, Personal Time Software.

Just about ten years ago, telemarketers presented the biggest threat to consumer privacy and use of the telephone system. In response to the growing number of complaints by being called from people at all hours of the day, the FTC created the National Do Not Call list. Everyone is familiar with this list and how it promotes consumer privacy by allowing consumers to opt-out of receiving unsolicited calls.

In the wake of VoIP telephony, a new form of SPAM started flooding our telephony system. Also known as a form of SPIT, robocallers have now superseded the telemarketers. Instead of hearing a real person call, you hear a voice recording, and most of these calls are illicit. Due to the nature of VOIP being cheap and its freely accessible nature, these calls are difficult to handle, and the regulatory bodies as well as consumers are looking for solutions at the carrier level to protect them.

With potential for new regulatory mandates on the horizon, our presentation seeks to start an open discussion on the ways that carriers can begin to address this problem in beneficial ways before it is required of them to do so, potentially at their own cost.

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