2. Attack of the Congestion Collapsimator (and other adventures in Telecom Capacity Planning.
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- Create Date June 17, 2014
- Last Updated June 17, 2014
2. Attack of the Congestion Collapsimator (and other adventures in Telecom Capacity Planning.
Attack of the Congestion Collapsimator (and other adventures in Telecom Capacity Planning. Presented by Mark Lindsey, ECG.
It started on Monday around 2pm: complaints from customers unable to make calls. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the problem disappeared. Then it struck again on Tuesday, mysteriously disappearing into the shadows of packet captures. Then a quiet month until -- POW!! -- just before lunch on Friday, your entire network seems to be down, except that everything seems to be working.
Phones go unregistered, but not all of them. Some calls go through fine, but then others don't go through at all. Then mysterious reports of calls from your customers' numbers, but with dead air. And yet nothing in your network is actually down. Is it an attack from the Evil Kingdom of Fraudster?
No! You've been struck by the Congestion Collapsimator. A malicious nemesis birthed within your own walled garden.
This talk will reveal the evidence of this shadowy villain, and show you how to unleash an arsenal of defensive strategies that keep it at bay. We'll discuss why historical concepts of Erlangs, Centum-Call-Seconds, and Grade of Service are in decline, and the new capabilities necessary to properly forecast and plan network growth.