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SIPconnect Interop Certification TG Charter

SC-IT Task Group Charter

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Task Group Chair: Robert Kinder – (Cox Communications)
Task Group Chief Document Editor: James Swan — (UNH-IOL)
Meetings: Meetings take place on a schedule established by the task group. You can stay informed about upcoming meetings by subscribing to the sipconnectit email list (see link above).


The SIPconnect 1.1 Technical Recommendation is a profile of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and related media aspects that enables direct connectivity between a SIP-enabled Service Provider Network and a SIP-enabled Enterprise Network. It specifies the set of IETF and ITU-T standards that must be supported, provides precise guidance in the areas where the standards leave multiple implementation options, and specifies a minimal set of capabilities that should be supported by the Service Provider and Enterprise Networks.

With the ratification of the SIPconnect 1.0 specification in January, 2008, the SIP Forum began a program of self-certification to compliance with SIPconnect 1.0. The SIPconnect 1.0 Compliant Certification Program was designed as a vehicle through which eligible companies could license the use of the SIP Forum’s ‘SIPconnect Compliant’ certification mark. A certification mark is a special kind of mark that asserts a product or service’s compliance with one or more technical standards.

With the ratification in March, 2011 of SIPconnect 1.1, various elements of the industry indicated a preference for a more robust, stringent and formalized process for compliance with the specification including, but not limited to, a formalized and independently verifiable compliance/certification testing process.

Goals and Milestones

The goal of the SIPconnect Interoperability Certification Task Group is to develop appropriate test plans and conformance tools to enable vendors to verify compliance with SIPconnect 1.1.

The Interoperability task group will identify requirements in the SIPconnect 1.1 Recommendation that are unclear, do not promote interoperability or need updating due to underlying changes in the standards. The SC-IT task group will coordinate with the SIP Forum Technical Working Group to determine if modifications to the Recommendation are needed.

The SIP Forum Board of Directors and its Executive Director will independently develop a separate business plans for the use of a “SIPconnect Certified” branding program including requirements, logo usage, funding options and dispute resolution. The SC-IT Task Group is expected to provide ongoing input to this process.

Specifically, the goals of the SC-IT TG include:

  1. Immediately review existing test plans from with a view towards merger of all known documents into a single comprehensive plan.
  2. Have preliminary test plans ready for community review on or about June 25
  3. Plan Interoperability test event to be held 3rd Quarter of 2012 with special attention not to conflict with the SIP Forum SIPit events.
  4. Review results of test event with goal of finalizing test plans and SIP Forum Board ratification of plans Q4 2012 or Q1 2013 at latest.
  5. Develop a SC1.1 Compliance Test Plan (possibly using the interop test plan as a base)
  6. Select/develop a SIPconnect 1.1 compliance test platform ready for the initiation of a SIPconnect 1.1 Compliance program in early 2013

SIPconnect Certification Testing Program

The SIPconnect Certification Testing Program is a unique certification testing program that includes a new certification test suite and test platform, as well as an associated “SIPconnect Certified” logo program that serves as the official “seal of certification” for companies products and services that have successfully passed the certification test and officially achieved conformance with the SIPconnect 1.1 specification.

The SIPconnect Certified logo serves as the “seal of certification” for companies that have agreed to abide by the terms of an associated licensing agreement, and is permitted only on SIPconnect compliant equipment and services that has been rigorously tested and approved as compliant by the SIP Forum’s SIPconnect Certification Testing Committee. Purchasers relying on the certification mark will enjoy increased interoperability levels.

The result of three years of planning and development, the new SIPconnect Certification Testing Program will be hosted by the UNH-IOL, a well-known independent, third-party laboratory dedicated to broad-based testing and standards conformance services for networking industries. The program will be available to IP communications equipment vendors, including IP-PBX and SBC vendors, and service providers who are offering SIP trunking services.

An associated SIPconnect Certification Founding Sponsor program is also available to industry participants, which helps to fund the development and ongoing operation of the SIPconnect Certification Testing Program. The benefits of this sponsor program include an exclusive lowest-discounted price for testing, an extended three-year term including continuous recognition of support, priority scheduling of tests, and exclusive promotional activities.

For more information, please read SIPconnect Certification Program Overview page.

Participation in the Task Group

The SIP Forum has appointed Alan Johnston, Avaya, and Robert Kinder, Cox Communications, as co-chairs for this task group to coordinate the creation of the various activities of the group. The various activities are intended to be open to all members—full, academic and participant—as determined by the Task Groups and the Working Group Chairs.


The SC-IT Task Group will establish various activities as required to support its activities. The specific meeting and operational schedule for each activity will be established by the chairs.


The SIP Forum is committed to facilitating the development and deployment of products and services based on the SIPconnect 1.1 Recommendation, ratified in March 2011. To help accomplish this goal, we are establishing this SC-IT that will focus on SIPconnect 1.1 development, interoperability, and testing.

The ultimate goals of this task group are to:

  • Demonstrate that SIPconnect 1.1 is implementable
  • Accelerate vendor and service provider interoperability
  • Define what it means to be SIPconnect 1.1 compliant
  • Help promote the benefit of SIPconnect in the marketplace

One of the first activities of this effort was a special “SIPconnect-It Workshop” held at CableLabs on March 6 and 7, 2012. This workshop provided a venue for the researchers, engineers, and service providers in the SIP Forum to share information about issues in developing SIPconnect 1.1 compliant products.

The purpose of the SIPconnect-IT workshop was to:

  • Identify and share technical issues that have arisen during product/service development
  • Analyze and Harmonize SIPconnect 1.1 test plans. (Several organizations have developed test plans).
  • Share Test Tools and Test Tools methodologies
  • Solicit input on the benefit and possible structure of SIPconnect 1.1 Compliance Program
  • Determine the Scope, Format and technical requirements for holding an inaugural SIPconnect-IT test event

SC-IT Test Plans and Related Documentation

View a special SC-IT Document repository, which contains test plans, related Webinar presentations and other documentation.

Comments are welcome relating to these test plans on the SIPconnectit mailing list.

For More Information

For more information, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum Managing Director, at or call +1-203-829-6307.

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