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HomeAbout the SIP ForumAnnual Meetings and Reports2023 Annual General Meeting Notice

2023 Annual General Meeting Notice

Meeting Date: Tuesday, 26 March 2024

1 – Announcement: Annual General Meeting

Section 12 of the By Laws of the SIP Forum (the “Forum”) provides that the Forum hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM). In accordance with the By Laws, this document shall serve as official notice for the Annual Meeting of the SIP Forum to be held as follows:

1.1 – Date / Time of Meeting

The General Meeting will be held:

Tuesday, 26 March 2024
1:00pm – 2:30 pm U.S. Eastern Standard Time
Via GoToMeeting. Login URL, and Dial-In Number/Passcode to be sent in follow-on message via the mailing list.

2 – Subject Matter for the Meeting

In the meeting, a review of the financial operations for fiscal year 2023 will be provided, as well as a review of the operational activities that have occurred since the last General Meeting.

In addition, Full Members will be asked to vote on two items.

2.1 – Voting Items

Two official voting items are on the agenda:

Please note:

As the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held remotely, via GoToMeeting, all Full Member Representatives shall submit their ballot/proxy votes via email or mail using the Voting Form Proxy document prior to the AGM.

Votes must be received from > 50% of Full Members in order to have a valid election, and in order to have a valid vote regarding the Discharge item.

The deadline described below for returning ballots via surface mail is Wednesday, 20 March 2024 and via email Friday, 22 March 2024.

3 – Board Member Elections

Members of the Board of Directors serve for two-year terms, with terms expiring at the General Meeting that takes place at the end of this term. Elections for new board members will take place at this General Meeting.

There are seven (7) Board seats open this year. They include five seats held by current directors John Ayers, Hala Mowafy, Greg Rogers, Harold Salters, and Richard Shockey, whose terms are expiring, and two seats that remain unfilled.

The seats currently held by Mary Barnes, George Cray, Martin Dolly, Phil Linse, Chris Oatway, Chris Wendt, Clark Whitten and Richard Wikoff, are not expiring.

3.1 – Voting Limits

Our current Bylaws indicate that seven Directors may be Participant (i.e., Individual) Members who are not affiliated with a Full Member company on the board at any one time. Since the seats occupied by the three Participant Board Members whose seats are up for election, including John Ayers, Hala Mowafy and Richard Shockey, and the seats occupied by current Participant Board Members George Cray, Martin Dolly, Phil Linse and Clark Whitten are not up for election, up to three Participant (Individual) Board Members can be elected in this election (and/or re-elected).

You will be voting by expressing a preference order for candidates. This preference order will be used to tally the Directors who are elected.

3.2 – Who Can Vote

Each Full (corporate, paying) Member is entitled to a single vote on the matters being presented for a vote. Each Full Member has the right to vote electronically via email, with the vote cast by an agent authorized by a proxy ballot validly executed by the Full Member. This proxy shall be executed by written authorization signed by the Full Member, officially giving the proxy holder the right to vote the votes.

Full Members not voting electronically (via email) can utilize the same proxy voting form provided with this General Meeting announcement package to alternatively submit their votes via surface mail. The proxy provides a method to vote for the Director candidates, and grants to the Managing Director of the SIP Forum the right to cast the vote on behalf of the Full Member giving the proxy.

A detailed Procedure for Voting can be found below in Section 5 of this notice.

The Board strongly urges you to submit a vote via email, submitted directly to Marc Robins, the SIP Forum Managing Director, who officially serves as the proxy voting agent.

3.3 – Candidates for Election

  • John Ayers – First Orion (current board member standing for re-election)
  • Keith Buell – Numeracle
  • Greg Rogers – Bandwidth (current board member standing for re-election)
  • Harold Salters – CTIA (current board member standing for re-election)
  • Richard Shockey – Shockey Consulting (current board member standing for re-election)
  • Steve Tang – iconectiv

3.4 – Candidate Statements and Biographies

The statements by the candidates about their desire to serve on the board, along with their biographies, are shown here as provided by each candidate. The Board strongly recommends you read these, as we seek Directors who will add substantial value, so it is crucial your vote is well-informed.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Please do not allow this order to influence your voting.

The Board has not endorsed any slate of candidates. 

3.4.1 – John Ayers – First Orion – Statement of Candidacy

I am of course particularly interested in the role the SIP Forum is playing in the broad-based effort to re-establish trust in the voice channel. Both in its critical standards work and its solution-oriented SIP Network Operators Conference, the Forum has taken a leadership role in this effort. With my background as well as current experience with First Orion, I believe I can offer a different and compelling set of skills and perspectives to the Forum’s outstanding current leadership. – Biography

I have enjoyed a 27-year career working with companies to advance emerging technologies and disruptive product strategies in ways that solve problems for businesses and consumers.

Focused on start-up and early stage companies mainly with service offerings geared for carriers and their subscribers, I have maximized the opportunity to develop expertise in a variety of key roles. As a result I have a broad perspective of the commercial, technological and legal/regulatory challenges and opportunities presented by new technology offerings.

I apply all this experience in my role at First Orion, a leading “analytics engine” and STIR/SHAKEN provider also well known for our burgeoning Branded Calling offering. During my six years with the company, I have led our extensive activity with the FCC, FTC and key organizations such as the SIP Forum, USTelecom and CTIA. I have also been active with both call originators directly and with their member organizations in an effort to ensure the entire ecosystem works cooperatively, rather than contentiously, in the effort to get consumers to answer their phones again. My ongoing active role in First Orion’s commercial efforts with carriers and enterprises also provides additional critical insights into the possibilities and realities we all face.

3.4.2 – Keith Buell – Numeracle – Statement of Candidacy

Despite being a lawyer by trade, I have been told I should have been an engineer given how my mind works. I am committed to learning the technology behind every legal or policy issue I confront. Our nation’s collective fight against robocalls, impersonation fraud, and the burgeoning dilemmas with artificial intelligence will continue to merge technology issues and public policy.

My legal career has involved a wide array of technical issues, including TDM to SIP transitions, network migrations and retirement, interconnection, collocation, wireless infrastructure, STIR/SHAKEN implementation, and others. As a policy subject-matter expert, I have worked on robocall mitigation, privacy, net neutrality, identity verification/Know Your Customer, and international standards to fight fraud. – Biography

In Keith’s professional career, he has worked on robocall policy from a variety of perspectives. As assistant general counsel at Verizon, Keith was a litigator on various telecom fraud cases involving the company, including an auto dialer case where the opposing party sequentially dialed every 8YY number in the country. At Sprint (and subsequently T-Mobile after the merger), he was the lead regulatory attorney on robocall policy and worked with his counterparts at the other carriers, as well as with the Federal Communications Commission, trade associations, and the SIP Forum.

He also worked at a major international gateway provider on robocall policy, gaining useful insights into international battles against robocalls as well as the ins and outs of international IP call routing and technologies. Keith’s work at the Federal Communications Commission in 2022-2023 focused on numbering issues, including number rotation, number assignment, and number exhaust.

Keith now serves as general counsel and head of global public policy at Numeracle with a focused mission on implementing robust Know Your Customer polices and embedding identity information into electronic communications so the recipient knows with certainty who is contacting them.

3.4.3 – Greg Rogers – Bandwidth – Statement of Candidacy

As Head of Global Policy and Regulatory Affairs for Bandwidth Inc. I believe I can bring a somewhat unique set of skills and perspectives to the SIP Forum Board of Directors. As a regulatory and public policy lawyer, I represent Bandwidth in a wide range of regulatory and policy matters. Bandwidth is one of the nation’s largest competitive carriers based upon the number of telephone numbers in service and its PSTN interconnection footprint. Bandwidth is also an all-IP based provider and thus, it is focused on how the industry and the regulatory environment continue to evolve toward IP-based solutions. Bandwidth also operates in approximately 60 nations around the globe by virtue of its acquisition of Voxbone Communications in November of 2020.

I serve on the North American Numbering Council (NANC) as Bandwidth’s representative and also did so on behalf of Level 3 Communications previously. I have also been a Board Member of the STI-GA from the beginning and have been very close to the industry efforts to deploy STIR/SHAKEN across the industry. Among other services that Bandwidth offers are competitive SMS/MMS and Toll-Free based services. In those areas, I represent Bandwidth with other carriers and service providers and within industry forums like CTIA with respect to establishing network routing and service provider guidelines. Finally, Bandwidth is also a 911 service provider, which is a critical component of how voice and text communications, that may or may not be associated with NANP numbers, operate. Therefore, with this background and set of responsibilities I hope to continue to be an effective Board member with the SIP Forum and in support of its continued efforts toward establishing important industry practices and standards in an exciting transitional period of the communications industry. – Biography

Greg is Head of Global Policy and Regulatory Affairs for Bandwidth Inc. in Bandwidth’s office in Denver, CO. Greg is primarily responsible for Bandwidth’s wide array of regulatory and public policy matters at all levels of government both domestically and internationally. Bandwidth is a multi-faceted communications service provider that operates a nation-wide all IP-based network in the U.S. from its headquarters in Raleigh, NC. CLEC, LLC. is a Bandwidth affiliate that operates a CLEC with a local PSTN interconnection and NANP footprint that spans the 48 continental states. Bandwidth’s CLEC network is a critical component of its full suite of VoIP and SMS/MMS service offerings. Bandwidth also operates a nation-wide 911 VPC network aimed at supporting emergency calling for IP-enabled services. As a wholesale provider, Bandwidth is also one of the largest Toll Free Resporgs in the country.

Greg has been at Bandwidth since 2010. Prior to joining Bandwidth, he was Senior Corporate Counsel for Level 3 Communications for over a decade. Greg is a graduate of the University of Colorado School of Law in Boulder, CO.

3.4.4 – Harold Salters – CTIA – Statement of Candidacy

I have been a regular participant on the Joint ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force, as well as the ATIS Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force, since November 2016 and June 2020, respectively, in my role as a technology consultant for CTIA — Everything Wireless. I am well-versed on the STIR/SHAKEN and Rich Call Data protocols and the special insights that the wireless sector brings to deployment, device display, emergency comms, text messaging and the need for ecosystem integration, where the SIP Forum plays such a vital role. – Biography

Prior to my consulting engagement, I was T-Mobile’s Director of Federal Regulatory Affairs for 14 years working on a broad range of wireless technical public policy issues, including cybersecurity, homeland security, network reliability/resilience and disabilities access. In those roles, I represented T-Mobile at DHS’s National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center, the FCC’s Communications Security, Reliability & Interoperability Council, and ATIS’s Network Reliability Steering Committee and Interim Non-Voice Emergency Services Incubator.

Prior to that, I was Sr. Director for Government Relations at PCIA, predecessor to the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), and worked at two DC law firms and the FCC on private land mobile and microwave issues. At the FCC, I was a charter member of the Future Public Safety Telecommunications Requirements Task Force. I’m a graduate of Queens College (CUNY) and have an MBA from Cornell University.

3.4.5 – Richard Shockey – Shockey Consulting – Statement of Candidacy

The SIP Forum is still doing very well in a rapidly changing telecom environment. It’s clear there is enough work to keep us busy for many years to come. The SIP Forum has been able to quietly and consistently be a neutral technical voice assisting National Legislative, Enforcement and Regulatory Authorities and industry in navigating the complex issues of Robocalls and Caller ID spoofing. Our joint agreement with ATIS on STIR/SHAKEN has proven to be of enormous value to the SIP Forum in providing a venue for a broad range of stake holders to participate in complex technical discussions that they might not be able to do otherwise. This agreement has been an attractive alternative to many companies to either join the SIP Forum or renew their membership based on our collective leadership in this area.

I am especially proud of SIPNOC — our annual in-person conference (entering its 13th year) and our virtual conferences including the STIR/SHAKEN SUMMIT, KYC SUMMIT, and upcoming AI SUMMIT, all of which bring together thousands of engineers and product experts from service providers and vendors around the world. I also look forward to the Forum producing an event on Branded Calling later in the near future.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve the SIP Forum Board of Directors and the overall SIP community. – Biography

Richard Shockey is an internationally recognized expert on Data Communications, Voice over IP Technology, Numbering and Signaling, and is currently the Principal of Shockey Consulting, a private firm advising telecommunications companies, national regulatory authorities and the investment community on any number of issues related to Next Generation Real Time Communications products and services. Visit for more information.

Mr. Shockey also currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SIP Forum.

Mr. Shockey has been a member of the United States Federal Communications Commission’s Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC), an FCC advisory council tasked with advising the federal agency regarding best practices and practical actions pertaining to the security, reliability, and interoperability of communications systems.

3.4.6 – Steve Tang – iconectiv – Statement of Candidacy

My journey began with foundational roles at Bellcore in deploying one of the first widely implemented carrier-grade VoIP switches supporting SIP. Later, I moved from managerial roles at Motorola to becoming the Head of Engineering at iconectiv, where I led software development of the Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA) solution in support of the STIR-SHAKEN ecosystem. I look forward to taking on more strategic responsibilities as iconectiv’s CTO and, optimistically, as a SIP Forum Board of Director.

My enthusiasm to contribute to the SIP Forum on a broader scale aligns well with the evolving nature of the industry, where strategic leadership and innovation are crucial for sustained growth and competitiveness. My focus in recent years has been on trusted communications, building secure platforms securely, and enhancing platforms to fight fraud with an eye on restoring trust in voice and messaging. I now add artificial intelligence to the mix and feel my perspective can help guide the industry’s mindset while shaping the future of telecommunications – looking at both the possibilities of all it can bring while being mindful of the pitfalls that must be considered with any new technology.

I respect the SIP Forum for its role in shaping the industry and providing tools for ecosystem participants to work together. I offer my personal experience and any other resources that I may have at my disposal within my role at iconectiv and/or through industry relationships to advance SIP Forum initiatives.

As a dedicated telecommunications executive with a profound commitment to advancing our industry, I bring a wealth of experience in designing, developing, and leading teams in the implementation of new networking technologies and services. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working on a global scale, gaining invaluable insights into the dynamic communications landscape. The ever-evolving nature of our industry, marked by the continual introduction of new technologies and services, has both transformed and presented unforeseen challenges. In navigating these shifts, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to lead teams effectively and contribute to the successful integration of emerging technologies.

I look forward to the opportunity to bring my skills and insights to the SIP Forum, working collaboratively with fellow board members to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our industry. Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to the SIP Forum’s mission and goals. – Biography

Steve Tang is Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Engineering for iconectiv. He is responsible for all software development, project management for engineering teams and supporting business partners with emerging technologies.

Tang is a seasoned software engineer and professional with more than 20 years of experience developing highly scalable, robust products that enable the seamless interconnection of devices, applications and networks globally. With an enthusiastic commitment to customer satisfaction, quality and efficiency, he has consistently met company business, strategic and financial objectives. He previously held positions at leading telecommunications companies, including Motorola.

Tang holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University.

4 – Discharge of Liability for Board Members and Managing Director

The By Laws of the SIP Forum require that, at each General Meeting, the members vote on whether to discharge the Board Members and the Managing Director from liability for actions or inactions resulting from their service to the SIP Forum over the prior year. In all Annual General Meetings to date, this has been presented, and the Board Members have been accordingly discharged. At this time, the Board represents that the Directors and Managing Director have collectively performed all required responsibilities for this past year, and requests discharge from liability. Full Members shall vote Yes or No on their ballots to so discharge the Board and Managing Director.

The Board recommends a Yes vote on this item.

5 – Procedure for Voting

The By Laws permit voting by proxy, using paper ballots sent by surface mail or electronically submitted ballots that are returned using a method that the Board deems sufficient to establish the authenticity of the ballot.

5.1 – Voting by Written Proxy via Surface Mail

Included in the bundle distributed to the Full Members with this Annual General Meeting Notice is a voting form (in PDF file format) entitled “2023-sf-ballot.” If a Full Member intends to submit a ballot to vote by written proxy sent by surface mail (instead of submitting one via return email), each Full Member should do the following as described immediately below in Section 5.1.1.

5.1.1 – Minimal Procedure for Proxy Voting

The Full Member shall mark the aforementioned voting form (either by modifying the digital PDF document to indicate the mark, or by printing the document on paper and marking it in ink) to:

  • Rank your votes for Director’s candidates. Mark your first preference “1”, your second preference “2”, and so on. You may vote for as many candidates as you wish, but the board recommends you vote for all 6 candidates.
  • Approve or reject the discharge of Directors’ liability.
  • Deliver the Voting Form to the SIP Forum Managing Director prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting by sending the Voting Form via surface mail to the address listed on the ballot. Please note that if surface mail is used, the Voting Form must be sent to arrive NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 or if email delivery is used, the Voting Form must be sent to arrive NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024.

5.2 – Electronic Voting via Email

The Board has concluded that one method is acceptable for electronic voting via email:

  • Full Members will mark the paper Voting Form ballot, and return it to the Managing Director via electronic mail as a scanned image file or PDF. The Managing Director shall use reasonable efforts to assure that the received email has been sent from a domain name that appears to be from a Full Member organization.

5.2.1 – Email Ballots

Follow this procedure to vote by email:

  • Print a copy of the voting form entitled “2023-sf-ballot“.
  • Mark the Voting Form by ranking your votes for Board Member candidates, and check the box to vote Yes or No on the Liability Discharge question.
  • Sign the copy of the marked voting form.
  • Scan the marked and signed voting form, and attach the associated document file to an email addressed to Marc Robins, the SIP Forum Managing Director at (PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, or GIF are all acceptable electronic formats.)
  • Alternatively, an application such as Adobe Acrobat can be employed to complete the required fields on the form.

5.3 – Deadline for Ballot Return for Proxy Voting

Voting Form ballots sent to the Managing Director Email to be handled by proxy must be received ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, 22 MARCH 2024 (two business days before the Annual General Meeting) in order to be counted.

5.4 – Ballot Counting

Ballots, including those received via email, will be officially counted when the vote is called in the Annual General Meeting. Results will be announced at the General Meeting (assuming the tally method results in clear winners), and official minutes taken to reflect the voting.

– END –

SIP Forum 2023 General Meeting Notice

February 23, 2024

Document number: GA-43-0

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