Test Event WG Overview and Charter (SIPit)
Mailing list: None. See the SIPit website for more details.
Chair: Chris Wendt – chris-sip@chriswendt.net
The principal goal of the Test Event Working Group (TEWG) is to insure the effective execution of product interoperability test events operated or sponsored by the SIP Forum. This includes both events for which the SIP Forum is the sole sponsor or operator, or those in which the SIP Forum is a co-sponsor (in form or in name only).
This specifically includes the event regularly held by the SIP Forum: SIPit.
Information about upcoming events – specifically SIPit 33 – can be found here.
In completion of its activities, the TEWG will locate and recruit volunteer “hosts” who provide venue and selected resources, determine and then coordinate with the hosts the satisfaction of stated requirements, obtain and provide required infrastructure, process registrations (or coordinate with host companies to do so), create requirements for attendees if appropriate and desirable, and provide help and assistance to the event participants in creating goals and
practices for the events themselves.
The TEWG will use both member volunteers and outside consultants to accomplish these goals.